FRIENDS of Byfleet Primary PTA
Who are the Friends?
The Friends of Byfleet is a group of like-minded parents/carer volunteers who work actively to raise funds for our lovely school, whilst providing fun and exciting opportunities for our children, with charitable status. This wonderful group is always looking for new volunteers who are able to offer as little as an hour or two a month to help plan, organise and host events like Summer Fairs, Discos etc. If you are keen to join or volunteer, please speak to school office.
How Do We Fund Raise?
We are always looking for new ideas and opportunities to raise extra fund and welcome any new suggestions.
We usually hold an event in the Summer and at Christmas as well as extras in the year such as cake sales, book fairs and maybe even a fashion show! We also organize and run the children’s end of term and Christmas parties which are always extremely popular and great fun.
How Can You Help?
The Friends are always looking for new people to come along and support us. As we say goodbye to our Year 6's every year, we say goodbye to some of our members and so need more of our school parents to join us with new ideas.
What’s Involved?
Your involvement in the Friends can be as little or as much as fits in with you and your life. We meet once or twice a term when we discuss fund raising ideas, plan out events and talk to Mrs Meyrick about the school’s wish list and how we can help. The meetings are in the evening and are held at the school and usually last just an hour or so, they are fun and informal.
You can come to every meeting or just one, you can choose to be available to help out with the manning of stalls or parties, you can simply talk to or email us about an idea you may have. Any involvement from you is appreciated and very much needed for the Friends to continue.
How Have The Friends Helped?
This year the Friends’ Committee have helped to buy laptops for the children as well as the new trim trail at the front of the school. The items were chosen from a “wish list” created by the children for equipment they would like to see in their school. We give a gift to the Year 6 leavers as a keepsake of the school as they move onto their new adventures. We also paid for a puppet show for the whole school and so it is fun stuff too.
What Happens Next?
Please take the time to have a think about how you can get involved and keep an eye out for the meeting dates, as we would love to meet you and welcome you to The Friends’. We can never have too many members so don’t think that someone else will do it, please come along and see what’s involved for yourself, who knows you may actually enjoy it – we do!
Useful Links - these are live links for you to access their pages:
Since September 2020, our terrific PTA have sourced the following to make Byfleet Primary an even better place:
- 32 flip screen chrome books
- A chrome book trolley
- Curriculum time line Murals for our corridors
- Curriculum world map Murals for our entrance hall
- Play time equipment